The Leona Quarry Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) encompasses the Monte Vista Villas development and 23 lots accessed from Campus Drive. The GHAD is located northeast of the MacArthur Freeway (Interstate 580) at its intersection with Edwards Avenue, in Oakland, California. The Leona Quarry GHAD was formed in 2002. The Oakland City Council acts as the Board of Directors for the Leona Quarry GHAD.
The Leona Quarry GHAD is responsible for prevention, mitigation, abatement, and control of geologic hazards within the GHAD boundaries including mitigating or abating landslides and erosion hazards that could directly affect properties within the GHAD. In addition, the Leona Quarry GHAD has significant responsibilities for managing water quality facilities, including maintenance, repair and replacement of detention ponds and creek improvements (only for the portion of Chimes Creek within the GHAD Property). This maintenance includes vegetation control and armoring of channels and desilting of detention basins. As the landowner for selected parcels, the GHAD assumes responsibility for vegetation management, habitat management, erosion control, vegetation removal (fire suppression), trail maintenance, litter removal, and selected other maintenance tasks associated with open space.
As listed in the Plan of Control, the guidance document for the Leona Quarry GHAD, the GHAD will or has assumed monitoring and maintenance responsibilities for the following.
• The detention basin, including structures, vegetation and sediment removal
• Concrete-lined drainage ditches
• Storm drain inlets, outfalls and pipelines within the streets and open space areas
• Subdrains
• Debris bench maintenance
• Piezometers and inclinometers
• Settlement monuments
• Street sweeping
• Rock catchment fences
• Trail maintenance including trash removal
• Possible Alameda County Whipsnake habitat – fencing and sign maintenance
• Emergency vehicle access and maintenance roads
• Erosion management
The Leona Quarry GHAD is financed through the collection of supplemental tax assessments from homeowners within the GHAD. Revenue is typically split between an ongoing operations/maintenance fund and the accumulation of a reserve for less frequent major repair items. The 2005 Engineer’s Report serves as the basis for the annual operating budget. Each year, an annual budget is considered and adopted by the Leona Quarry GHAD Board of Directors.